Another Markos temper-tantrum
I really was about to shut down my computer for the night, but then after seeing this diary at My Left Wing, What Happened to Daily Kos? about some recent kerfuffle having to do with blogger anonymity, I decided to go to Daily Kos and see if there was any front page mention of that. Didn't find anything, but did see this gem from Markos in an open thread. And since I was recently trying to explain to someone recently in an e-mail what it is that bugs me about that dude, this seems to be a teachable moment. From the Mid-afternoon Open Thread:
This morning I've scanned some of the going ons of the last few days (I'm completely out of touch when on the road), and I noticed the dustup over long front page posts. Here's my "official" response: tough shit. If 400 words is too much for you to handle, then you've got a coupe of options: 1) Read the funnies. Not a lot of words there; 2) learn to scroll down a page; 3) get an RSS reader and set it to read just headlines. No extraneous words in headlines; or 4) find a site that better suits your style.
The irregulars are under orders from me NOT to use the extended copy box. So if you've got a problem with that, your problem is with me, not them. And I won't change my policy on that. My god, what would some of you complainers have done back in the Billmon era? Now there were some epic FP posts!
What a charmer. Temper-tantrums, sometimes peppered with profanity, are his standard mode of response when challenged. See the "pie wars". See his dismissive treatment of the "fraudsters".
Look, good for him that his site became so successful, to the point that many big name politicians post there. I don't begrudge him that. I do, of course, wish that if politicians were going to do the "grassroots" thing, they could be flocking to a site that was truly collaborative and "democratic". Don't know what that would be--maybe a new thing that is more of a consortium. Some sort of group effort rather than one guy's blog.
Oh, and one more thing. I'll buy his book when the weather forecast is partly cloudy with a chance of ass-monkeys.

This post was brought to you by Renee's "bad wolf", who sometimes just insists on getting a word in. Easy, girl...
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