Reform Ohio Now--GOTV
I just got a call yesterday from Jared, a volunteer for Reform Ohio Now. Given that we've been bombarded with calls and mailers from the anti people, I was certainly glad for that. I just looked up their web site, and am passing the details along for anyone who can use them.
Make calls to Ohio voters Tuesday!Election day is Tuesday. With a huge number of Ohioans still undecided, we can be victorious if we do an amazing job of getting out the vote, but every phone call counts. We need volunteers to make calls on Tuesday for Issues 2, 3, 4 & 5--no experience necessary!
The earlier you can make your calls during the day on Tuesday, the better! If you can't call during the day on Tuesday, we can still use your help Monday night. Just check the boxes below indicating when you're free.
We're asking everyone to commit to reaching 25 "yes" voters.
It couldn't be simpler:
- A RON staffmember will email you your call list and call script ASAP.
- You'll be calling to urge people to vote YES on Issues 2, 3, 4 & 5--your call script will tell you exactly what to say
- Each call will average less than 5 minutes
- You can make your calls anytime Tuesday before the hour you choose below.
Details here
And here's a pic from yesterday's rally.

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