Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Oh no, not Yoo again!

Speaking this evening on The News Hour, UC Berkley professor John Yoo made it clear that he is disturbed by, if not outright opposed to Fearless Leader's nomination of Harriot Miers to the Supreme Court. His reason is not that she is inexperienced in the ways of The Bench, but rather that he cannot be sure she won't pull a Souter and, shock HORROR, "grow!"

MARGARET WARNER: Professor Yoo, what did you think when you heard the president say I know she's not going to change her judicial philosophy over 20 years? Did you find that reassuring or like Professor Karlan, did you find it troubling?

JOHN YOO: I found it mildly reassuring but I don't think it answers the deep questions because I think one thing that is probably becoming clear is she probably hasn't had to think about a lot of questions that the Supreme Court has to face along the lines that Pam listed. The second thing is, this is very much -- the way to understand this is very much a reaction, I think, to his father's appointment of Justice Souter.

The great fear I think amongst conservatives is that someone will be put up into office in the Supreme Court who will "grow in office," and conservatives generally think justices who are more of a blank slate tend to grow to the left. The sun somehow shines on the plant from the left. And because of that, that's why President Bush keeps repeating she won't change. She's going to stay steady.
But it doesn't mean a lot if we don't know what the starting point is.

Its odd how the two extremes tend to meet. Ultra RWs oppose Miers, and LWs oppose Miers. In fact, I gather some "moderate" Republicans are less than thrilled with her as well. Could be a formidable coalition. *Could* be, if the Senate "Dems" would hold together. Apparently our Noble Leader, Harry Reed, however, is pleased with her nomination.

When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

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