Sunday, March 09, 2025




  1. Hallo! Well, we didn't head to NH today after all, as Youngest*NH*Grand got a stomach bug. Poor sweetie!
    So, my computer upgrade must wait until next weekend.

  2. ~Susan. I totally forgot about Daylight Savings (ha) until about 30 minutes ago. The event yesterday was well-attended, but I swear the wind was blowing like 50 mph. Very uncomfortable.

    1. It counts twice in bad weather! Well done Susan! 💪🏽

      I got up at 8:00am today the former 7:00am after netting about 2 hours of real sleep. All packed up and moments before we were to leave for NH, we got word that the little one was sick. At first they thought it was her lactose intolerance, but then she got a fever. SIGH

      We’ll try again Friday~Saturday.

    2. I despise this clock madness.
      Nothing at all good to say about it, except that now the ship’s clock on our mantel is in sync again.

  3. Replies
    1. When Liane*in*VT visited yesterday, she said we have another couple months, then SS will fail.
      It’s what DT’s Administration wants, so they can claim it’s a mess and privatise it.

    2. OK, so the point I wasn't getting is that the staffing cuts are disorganized and that raises the possibility ot computer network failure. It is the computer network going down that raises the possibility of benefit payments beig disrupted.
      Otherwise, the problem is that it will be harder to file new claims.

  4. I hope you're okay, Alan!
    nordy, are you home yet? Sending healing vibes!
    And how are you, W.A. and Cat?

    1. Renee, did you protest? What's new?

    2. I think the bruising in my back has healed, but my spine is still giving me problems. I managed to walk to the nearest restaurants, but with a lot of discomforfort. And my spine pressing against a chair back can get uncomfortable.

  5. The Trump/Musk alliance doesn't care at all about people. They don't care at all about depriving something like 72 Million people of income because they figure we'll be too poor and desperate to fight back. What they forget is that desperate people will do desperate things, and we will know who is to blame for our situation. ~Susan
