Tuesday, September 10, 2024

{56} Taylor Swift endorses Harris/Walz!

 🥳 listener had Birthday Cake! 🎉
(Home made ice cream cake!)



  1. Have a happy, listener!

    1. Happy Birthday, Listener!

    2. Have a happy one from me, too.

    3. Thank you all! It's been a truly great day. Lots of connecting with loved ones (even got a birthday text from Eldest*Grand in college!), a trip to my alma mater to take photos, also got some foliage photos. Wil made me a banner breakfast and we ate out later ... Italian! YUM!

      Now home and I made sure to make a wish and blow out my candles before the debate.
      Hang on tight. Here we go!

  2. Video: Cosmic discoveries made possible by the James Webb Space Telescope [Click] Dark Matter, Galaxy CEERS-2112, the cosmological constant and other oddments explained in a readily comprehensible way.

  3. Video: Trump Can Be CRUSHED at DEBATE with THESE SIMPLE Moves [Click] Interesting suggestions.

  4. Replies
    1. Fingers and toes crossed!

    2. It isn't mentioned by the writer, but I was under the impression that disproportionate numbers of elderly people also had difficulty producing proof of citizenship.

    3. That's true. I not only have a passport but several copies of my birth certificate, but many older people find obtaining a birth certificate difficult.

  5. I've made a correction to the lefthand sidebar. The web site formerly known as "Booman Tribune" is now "Progress Pond" and the link list reflects that change.

    Oh, yes, and I also corrected the title of my blog to "Life, the Universe and Everything."

  6. Cold snap here; 95F today (with a breeze), Wed. 91, Th. 87, Fri 92, Sat. 94, Sun. 91, Mon. 75, Tues. 80, Wed. 80, Th. 81.

    This morning I realized that our car’s registration record and matching license plate tags were expired. But we had the [timely] payment record. So I went to the DMV, which had a line out of the office, down a breezeway, then down [a shaded] sidewalk. After a little while a security person waved me in to a very short inside line, evidently because I looked like a geezer and was using a cane. Not wanting to seem ungrateful, I accepted. There was no charge for replacement paperwork or stickers. (I suspect the originals may not have arrived—— we are on a contract postal route, which is less reliable than the USPS.)

    Then on to the horse pistol for vaccination; I opted for just Covid this week.

    And I just now realized I hadn’t taken a Claritin tab this morning and my eyes are OK. The weather forecast says low pollen today (ragweed); the past several days it has been rated high.

    Now for some hydration and news perusal.


  7. Via politicalwire.com:

    A new SurveyUSA poll in North Carolina finds Josh Stein (D) with a commanding lead over Mark Robinson (R) in the state’s gubernatorial race, 51% to 37% with 11% undecided. With a lead like that, I should expect Stein will have significant coattails.

    1. Thank goodness! That Robinson is, er, not a nice or kind person.

  8. Anton Petrov video: Possible Evidence of a Stellar Flyby That Shaped the Early Solar System [Click] Alternative to “Planet Nine” theory.

    1. Maybe the Vera Rubin Telescope will help to sort this out.

  9. C-SPAN is simulcasting ABC's feed, so they get to talk over the debate. Sigh. We'll see how it goes.

    1. I watched it on CSPAN's YouTube channel. Nobody talked over it there.

  10. First up: Economy
    Harris: She sounds a little bit breathy. No doubt she's a bit nervous. Good. That's adrenaline.
    She's doing great so far!
    DT: Sound like a bozo.
    (And I'm totally impartial. 😆)

  11. Ha! He's totally off topic.

  12. 🤣 He just said Harris is a Marxist!

    1. Chico, Groucho, Harpo, Karl or Zeppo? [Asking for a friend]

  13. They keep letting DT speak last.

  14. He's clearly on the defensive. She's doing great.
    They are giving him way too much time to talk.

    1. It would be too much to hope for that they might whang a gong when the speaker's time is up.

    2. Great idea. You ought'a send that suggestion in for the next debate.

  15. Anyone else watching the debate?

    I have hot tea and a blueberry muffin.

    1. I never have watched such performances, and am stuck in my ways. But I appreciate the early reportage, listener.

    2. From talkingpointsmemo.com via Alan:

      27m ago
      She’s Spun Him a Thousand Times
      by Josh Marshall

      10:19 PM: Is she actually going to overmatch him on the Afghanistan withdrawal question?

      10:05 PM: Trump has simply been on the defensive for every moment of this debate. She delivers her messages, while also baiting him and he responds and gets angrier in a way that makes him even less coherent than normal. She’s controlling the tempo and frankly dominating the debate. Meanwhile he’s spent most of the debate talking about his worst vulnerabilities.

      5m ago
      Harris Says She’s A Gun Owner
      12m ago
      Take A Shot Every Time Trump Says ‘Oil Policy’
      14m ago
      Trump On His Questioning Harris’ Blackness: ‘I Don’t Care What She Is’
      18m ago
      Harris: Putin Will ‘Eat You For Lunch’
      19m ago
      Harris Reminds Viewers About Trump’s Deal With The Taliban

    3. Seems to be going about as I had expected.

    4. Excerpts from this even might find their ways into Lincoln Project videos and Harris campaign videos. And BTW, the world is watching. My sweetie was going to watch a regular program on NHK (Japan's public broadcaster) during dinner, but it was displaced by Harris vs. Trump.

    5. I somewhat regret that the speech transcript that stopped the bullet fired into TR's chest as he spoke was not saved. TR probably figured that saving it would be unseemly bragging and disrespectful of the men who died fighting alongside him.

  16. Blinken: Iran is Supplying Ballistic Missiles to Russia. [Click] Iran has been warned there would be consequences for such actions, and there will be. Blinken was standing next to Lloyd Austin as he spoke, but I didn't find any video of remarks by Austin.

  17. Former FOX anchor (now on CNN) Chris Wallace says "Harris pitched a shut out" on content and style.

  18. Taylor Swift just endorsed Kamala Harris!

    1. I thought she had already; shows what I know.

  19. I wonder if Harris could recreate FDR's Fireside Chats; granted that they were intended to be heard over the radio, but at least some were filmed to provide newsreel footage.
    Wikipedia: Fireside chats [Click]

    1. I listened to FDR’s first fireside chat [Click] I noticed that he pronounced both the “D’s” in “Wednesday;” perhaps I shall emulate that. In my native accent the first “D” is silent.


  20. My Reaction to Tonight’s Presidential Debate
    September 10, 2024 at 10:46 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard
    Kamala Harris put on a masterclass in debating tonight.
    She took control from the start by walking over to Donald Trump at his lectern and introducing herself. He wasn’t going to shake her hand but grudgingly did so.

