Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Eldest*Grand turns voting age TODAY! 🥳 🇺🇸



  1. I watched all of Michelle Obama's speech; it was workmanlike, but not in the same class as Huey Long. Granted that The Kingfish's speaking style was strongly influenced by the public speaking style developed in the United States for addressing large crowds outdoors, with no electrical amplification, which one can still find to a limited degree among Black ministers, but it is still very powerful. Here are a couple of examples; note that he makes some proposals still being made today:
    Share The Wealth [Click]
    "On Wealth Equality" - Radio Address [Click] (42 minutes)

    Note: a million dollars in 1934 would equal about 23 million today.


  2. The Workers Song Community Project [Click] Ooh, this is a fine song! I think it must be new!

  3. It's way too late now, but I will watch Bernie's speech tomorrow; saw a bit of it just now.

    1. I just now watched it; it was very good.

  4. Re the post title: Good grief! Where does the time go?

    You remember the first presidential election you voted in. Mine was for Mondale and Ferraro. I was so excited to vote for the first major party ticket including a woman.

    I can guarantee your granddaughter will never, ever forget her first presidential election!

    1. My first presidential election was 1968; I voted for "The Happy Warrior," Hubert Humphrey.

    2. My father's first presidential election was 1932; he voted for FDR.

    3. My first was Mondale in '74, but I don't remember anything about voting for him. I do remember him coming into my classroom the year before because my history teacher was a bigwig in the Dem Party in Maine.
      The first one I remember is voting for Jimmy Carter. He was the first President I was excited about! And I remember our 3 year old son, when we said we were all going to vote. He was animated about it, but when we got to the polls he asked in confusion: "Is there any water at the vote?" 🤣. Poor guy. He thought we were going to a boat! So we took him to the mall afterward and let him get a ride in a mechanical boat-shaped riding toy there. He thought that was far more interesting. Mind you, years later he was the member of the family that got us working in the Dean Campaign and is still very engaged. And! He loves sailing with us. So it all worked out.

    4. First vote: George McGovern, 1972 --nordy

  5. Trump appears behind bulletproof glass in first outdoor rally since shooting [Click] Not surprisingly, he was unhinged. I remain curious about his alleged “border event” at Montezuma Pass, Arizona tomorrow.

  6. Bill Clinton is speaking. I can't help feeling grumbly. How can a whole stadium of people cheer for the man who literally screwed up and screwed our nation out of political well being that gave us W...? I guess I haven't forgiven him yet.

    1. Say what one will about Bill Clinton, he visited not just California but Fresno after he was elected, several times for the state, I think only once for Fresno. In this "Republican" area record crowds turned out for him, exceeded (very significantly) only by those that turned out for Bernie some years later. Obama didn't give the people assembled to meet him so much as the time of day or even a wave. Harris might have visited here briefly as attorney general, but I'm not sure of that.

    2. Never did much care for Bill Clinton, he of New Democrats fame. New Democrats my eye! Republicans lite more like. Moreover, I never forgave him for beating out Jerry Brown.

    3. Well, Alan, at least candidates still go to California. Vermont is just taken for granted. Except, of course, by Howard Dean and Bernie Sanders.

    4. Generally speaking, these days national politicians visit two spots in California, Hollywood and the San Francisco peninsula, for horrendously expensive fundraising dinners AKA ATM's.. There are narrow corridors of flyover territory for getting to and from said locations, and the great majority of the state doesn't even rate that. Thanks to Gov. Schwartzenegger, California isn't as gerrymandered as it used to be, but gerrymandered it still is; I fault the Democratic politicians for that. One of their favorite tricks is to divide an urban area that generally votes Democratic into multiple pie-shaped pieces with large outlying areas that tend to vote Republican. And they do their best to freeze out minor parties. Oh, well. I do think, though, that I could probably withstand the shock of having an actual representative in the House of Representatives. Whine, whine, whine.

  7. Bill looks and sounds old. Not old enough to accept any responsibility, however. --nordy

  8. Wapo: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. moves closer to endorsing Trump.
    "The latest moves follow a clear shift in the public posture of the Kennedy campaign after a last-ditch attempt, through intermediaries, to reach out to the Democratic campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris in early August. The Kennedy campaign commissioned polling to show how Harris could improve her standing in the race if she announced that Kennedy would have a Cabinet-level position, and then attempted to share those results with the Harris team, according to campaign officials and a copy of the polling results obtained by The Washington Post."

    1. Next will we be treated to a WaPo article about the PSL [Party of Socialism and Liberation] nominee?

  9. And I wish they would stop calling him "Bobby." --nordy

  10. I am of the opinion that it was in poor taste for Mr. Obama to provoke Trump in is address to the DNC, but it was in character. Like the White House Correspondents Dinner, which I think should be beneath the dignity of the President.

    1. Mom said that too; so, no doubt she'd have agreed with you about the DNC speech.

    2. What, because he is a former President he doesn't get to say a word against another former President? Yeah, I get that. They are sort of a super small club, right? I'd say the one exception is related to DT though; and I give Obama a dispensation to speak out about DT, because he had to had the reins to that freaking bozo.

    3. Let's not forget that he had to hand the reins to the same jerk who tried to convince the world that Obama wasn't born an American.

    4. I don't forget that for a moment, but joking about his genitalia is in poor taste.

  11. The networks just cut off convention coverage, although a small box on the screen said they would be back for Tim Walz. Guess NBC figured I'd rather watch 'America's got talent." --nordy

    1. {listener}

      We are ONLY watching it on CSPAN. No commercials, no commentary, nothing missed.
