Sunday, May 26, 2024

White Bleeding Heart (happy Trinity Sunday, Renee!)



  1. Awww, wow. I was so heartened to see nordy return on the last thread! 💖 Left messages there.

    1. replied to your messages & Cat's on previous thread. --nordy

  2. A narcissistic psychopath is a type of personality disorder that exhibits traits of both narcissism and psychopathy. These individuals are often very destructive to the people around them. They are usually unable to feel empathy or guilt, and they have no problem manipulating others for their gain.

    Certain personality types are more prone to be narcissistic psychopaths:

    These individuals often have a history of abusing others, and they may have difficulty forming relationships.
    They often have low self-esteem and feel like they need to take advantage of others to feel superior.
    These individuals often have a history of abuse, trauma, or neglect.
    They may also have a history of criminal behavior.

    from NIH: National Library of Medicine

    1. sounds like trump, all right.

    2. Say what one will, Trump has rescued the reputation of James Buchanan, who is no longer the worst President of the US, but only one of the worst.

    3. I thought it was U.S. Grant. --nordy

    4. Not by a long shot. Grant's failing was that he trusted his subordinates too much; Buchanan was at least partially responsible for the Civil War.

    5. I recall that after Trump was elected, visitors to Buchanan's presidential library increased.

    6. I hadn’t read a lot about Grant’s Presidency, [Click] but the Wikipedia entry shows it to have been IMO exceptionally complicated.

  3. Bleeding heart=dicentra. Great plant, but tends to take over your garden. --nordy

    1. Oddly, none of mine have "walked" so far. Every now and then one fades out and I replace it.
      It's the Milkweed that wants ALL the space and ducks under the pound-in edging I devise. But that's easy to weed and essential for Butterflies. The violets also attempt a massive take over, but I am gracious to them because they were here first.

  4. Idaho drag performer awarded $1.1 million in defamation case against far-right blogger. Blogger claimed falsely that drag performer was exposing himself. Only in Idaho. I think there's something in the water. --nordy

    1. Whatever it is, it seems to afflict people in bordering areas of Washington, Oregon, and California as well.

  5. Trump Loudly Heckled at Libertarian Convention [Click] In addition to booing, the audience drowned him out with noise-makers. Should he try to make friends with the American Independent Party next?

  6. The Day Before The Revolution” [Click] Wikipedia Feature Article for the day.
    —Alan (Who very much enjoyed both "The Day Before The Revolution" and "The Dispossessed.") I should suggest reading the former before the latter.

    1. I read them as they came out, which meant I read The Dispossessed first. But it agree that it would be better to read the prequel first.

  7. Replies
    1. I remember that when I was young there was still a vary small number of Civil War veterans.

    2. vary ===>very


  8. ‘They’re out of control’: flock of 100 feral chickens torments village [Click] Sounds like it’s time to have a community chicken dinner!
