Tuesday, May 21, 2024

It's Sling Day!

Today Loch Nest will be in the Slings, so we can paint the parts of her bottom paint that her cradle covered.


  1. Nevada abortion rights groups submit signatures to advance ballot measure [Click] “Nevada is one of 11 states where organizers are seeking to enshrine abortion rights in state constitutions through citizen-led ballot initiatives. The measures are officially on the ballot in Colorado, Maryland, Florida and South Dakota. . . ” Interestingly, “. . .even if the measure passes in November, voters would need to approve it again in 2026 before the Nevada constitution is formally amended under state law.”

  2. Naturally, there may be isolated severe thunderstorms at the time I'm supposed to touch up the boat paint. But then, 9/10ths of sailing is weather!

    1. I have been watching videos about the Battleship New Jersey in dry dock for maintenance. They have a system of keel blocks that are precisely positioned in the dry dock for the particular ship, then the dock is flooded, the ship is moved in, and lowered onto the blocks. To complete painting the bottom they refloat the ship, move it, and lower it onto the keel blocks in a different position. They have a record of which positions on the ship have been placed onto the keel blocks during previous dry dockings.

    2. I can picture that entire process.

    3. Loch Nest is in the sling. But when we arrived, we could not find her. Turns out she was already Splashed! That was a shock. Someone read the notebook wrong. They'd set her in the slings yesterday shortly after we left. Then this morning, they splashed her first thing...a whole day early. So, we had a decision to make. Leave her in the water as is, and update her bottom paint in the fall, or have them haul her back out now. They were willing to do it either way. Sooo, we opted to have her hauled out now, so we could in fact touch up her bottom paint. Plus we'll have more family present tomorrow morning for getting her into our slip. It was chancy, since thunderstorms were possible any time. Wil cleaned and sanded the old brown areas. I suited up like an Oompa Loompa (Paint Lady). The boat looks sooo much better! We also got some dead zebra mussels off the bottom of the keel...which we were then also able to paint! The first coat dried swiftly in the heat and wind. We got two coats on, as planned. Best of all, no thunderstorms the whole time! They are ongoing at the moment, though.

    4. My first thought was to wonder what colour you painted the dead zebra mussels. . .

  3. Joe Blogs video: Russian Workforce Shortage Destroying Oil & Gas Industry as Wages Escalate [Click] Might the workers be made serfs? That would seem very traditional.

  4. Replies
    1. My dad started me watching Wall Street Week when I was ten or maybe a little younger; so, I have a basic understanding of how the market works and how a publicly traded corporation ought to operate. And, seems to me, Trump Media shouldn't be a publicly traded company. You run your social networking site for your hundred and thirty thousand subscribers, most of whom by this point are probably newsmen and fact checking outfits keeping an eye on The Donald, and that's a perfectly fine niche market. But it's not a basis for a stock issuing, public company. It sounds like something that can be run out of somebody's grandma's attic. It certainly shouldn't be trading for six zillion dollars, or whatever. It's just another of Trump's scams, a way for him to make a quick buck or a million before the concern goes under, and who cares about all the peons who get hurt in the process. Talk about a one man crime wave!

    2. Rather an extreme case of the old dictum that there's a fool born every minute, and two to take him. [Hmmmm.... that is a bit sexist, isn't it?]

  5. Legal Breakdown video: Trump team's witness screws Trump in devastating backfire [Click] Analysis of Costello testimony; gets into material the Main Stream Media seems to overlook.

    1. Includes interesting speculation about timing of subsequent events; New York typically moves faster than the federal courts.

  6. Replies
    1. Two Wows: the increased number of bailiffs, and the behavior of the jurors. Thanks, Cat. I've had juries who were real tough audiences, and this sounds like one; most are more communicative. In a court martial the bailiff (1) is not armed, and (2) outranks the defendant (and if possible is a member of the defendant's chain of command). Military discipline is considered sufficient.

    2. Evidently Mr. Lawrence confuses "officers of the court" with bailiffs.

    3. Put me down as a mean-spirited and ethnocentric fellow, but I continue to wonder if the Robert Costello might be a relative of Frank Costello, the mobster. Probably not.

    4. Considering the company he keeps, it wouldn't surprise me.

  7. In this video Marianne rambles a bit more than usual because she's suffering from a cold. Nonetheless, she has some very interesting things to say.

    Trump's volatile July: his health, scandal, rivalry? And Alito's flag flying - Click

    1. I am still surprised that the upside-down flag is considered by the MSM an indicator of right-wing extremism; it is a very old sign of distress-- e.g. on a disabled ship.

    2. It's context. At the time, that was something. bunch of right wingers were doing. Truth be told, I used it once on the day of the insurrection...declaring our nation in distress.

  8. CNN projecting Fani Willis to win the GA Dem primary.

  9. Today I went to the Loop for the last visit of my RSV vaccine clinical trial. Turned out to be only 15 minutes, which threw my planned schedule off. There will be a couple of trial extensions that I may or may not be eligible for.

    Then an eaarly dinner at my favorite Loop restaurant. BBQ ribs. I used to like them better without the sauce, but still fall-off-the-one tender.
    Then I went to the DMV to get the REAL ID the federal government wants me to have. Only it turns out that has to be renewed every four years.while my current state ID never expires. Easier just to renew my passport. May need to renew it anyway to visit Montreal in 2027.

    1. What's in Montreal in 2027? WorldCon?

      By the way, have you heard back about that story you submitted a few weeks ago?

    2. Yes, Montreal is currently the most likely site of the 2027 Worldcon, a;though there is still time for an effective competitor to come in. The only current competitor is Tel Aviv, and Netanyahu has killed whatever chance they might have had.

      I haen't heard back from Apex magazine. They say their average response time is 23 days. Without checking, I think we're somewhere in that vicinity.
