Sunday, May 05, 2024

Cinco de Mayo



  1. There and Back Again! We left on Friday morning early, drove to Rhode Island, then to Maine.
    Had to go to Rhode Island to hand deliver cans of paint we'd purchased then learned we couldn't use.
    As it's for the boat bottom, it would be a hazmat issue to return it through mail delivery. So we had to transport it ourselves.
    Then we drove up to Maine through slow as molasses traffic around Boston, stopping only at a toy store (grand gifts) and to grab a sandwich, arriving just in time to see our two older grands before their evening performance. It was Eldest's last performance of high school! Her last classes are this coming week and she graduates June 2nd. She served as Head Lighting Designer for the last time, while her younger sister served as Prodiction Manager!
    The play was Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (which Wil can nearly recite from memory). In just 6 weeks they memorised all the lines and did not abridge the play AT ALL! It was 3 hours long and WONDERFULLY performed! So impressive! They even had two students who are not twins, but who look remarkably alike, to play Viola and Sebastian. Malvolio's long speech was eloquently done with such humour! Amazing to see this much talent and to see SO FEW members of the local community show up for the performances. They haven't a clue what they're missing!

    1. That all was yesterday.
      Today we attended Younger*Grandson's baseball game (he hit the ball each time!), then went to the May Day Festival parade, hung out with family, and tried a new restaurant on the way home. Glad we went and glad to be home. Busy week ahead.
      And I'm so grateful to you, especially Alan and Cat, for posting and helping me not fall too far behind on news!!!

    2. Sounds good, listener. I'm glad to have a place to sound off with reasonably like-minded company. Yesterday was a non-gardening day because of the rain, but this morning the sky is largely clear.

  2. Chief Counsel at RNC Pushed Out After Two Months [Click] Sounds like he knew enough to not quit his day job.

  3. Note to Bill's comment at end of previous thread: I think we just didn't generate as much trash back in the day as we do now.

  4. Florida workers brace for summer with no protections [Click] “Effects of heat are expected to worsen after bill prohibiting municipalities from enacting shade and water protection is passed.” Incredible. I should think that OSHA ought to step in very quickly. Heat stroke is a REALLY bad way to go.

    1. True that!! Where is OSHA?! There will be lawsuits or mass quitting.
