Friday, April 26, 2024

With Love...

puddle's obituary (click)



  1. puddle's son Scott wrote the obituary. It does not mention services.

  2. Arizona house votes to repeal state’s near-total ban on abortion [Click] Expected to pass Senate and be signed by Governor.

  3. It should be obvious to all but Republicans by now that Republicans are scared spitless of women. Scared of women having bodily autonomy, being more than a sex object or a maid, scared of women finding their power and fighting against patriarchy. -Susan

    1. I have yet to encounter a man who lacked respect for any woman carrying a sawed-off shotgun.

    2. Cradling a sawed-off shotgun, rather.

  4. Reading puddle's obit I am leaving STRICT INSTRUCTIONS that none of my children are allowed to write an obituary about me. -Susan

    1. Oh my. Somebody needs to explain to
      Cooter the difference between an obituary and a bio.

    2. A friend of mine was a well respected author of books of a spiritual nature. She ran a retreat center and published a newsletter that had an international following. When she died, her children held a service for her that Wil and I atended. It was clear they had No Clue who she was and what she had done, how many people she had inspired and encouraged in her life. The referred to her lifework as Mom's hobby. Unbelieveable. Wil and I are going to leave our memorial service leaflet ready to use...just add the date, print and follow.

  5. Oh, and puddle died only one day before my brother was found. I am STILL dealing with the real-life chores that come from that, so I've been a tad bit preoccupied. -Susan

    1. It has been two or three years since my brother disappeared for the second time. I have no idea what happened to him; we were long estranged but kept in contact by way of Christmas cards. He probably died, could have been (or be) living on the street or in a nursing home. His most recent Xmas cards showed clear signs of senility. It would be nice to know what has become of him, but although I was able to locate his adopted daughter I am not going to contact her and ask. It is simple for me, but I do wonder. California makes it particularly difficult to get a death certificate, and Social Security death records are not published for a long time--- both to help prevent identity theft.

    2. Sending warmth to both of you. Susan, I am sad you have that extra burden. Wil and I are determined to not leave a hassle for anyone when we go.
      Alan, I think we all have a family member who is a challenge. Wil says some folks got their judgment from the shallow end of the gene pool. My siblings all had emotional issues. Younger sister lives below the poverty line...due to a series of unfortunate choices.

  6. Our Internet was being worked on for a few hours this morning and afternoon; here are three items I meant to post but was unable to:

    Japan comes face to face with its own space junk [Click]

    BBC: 'Unprecedented': How bird flu became an animal pandemic [Click]
    I do believe I read that a mRNA vaccine has been developed, or at least researched, so can be made available very quickly compared to the conventional vaccines, which must be incubated in chicken eggs.

    The Guardian: ‘A lot would have to go wrong for Biden to lose’: can Allan Lichtman predict the 2024 election? [Click] Polls this far in advance of elections are meaningless. Also includes something about Bush vs. Gore that I hadn’t heard: Black voters were encouraged to both mark their ballots for Gore and to write his name in. Such ballots were discarded, and would clearly have swung Florida for Gore.


  7. Replies
    1. Actually, it would be his 6th or 7th term. LOL!

    2. This is one of those things i wish I could share with puddle.
