Mushroom on the Old Birch
THIS JUST IN! NASA's experiment went like clockwork! We are now able to alter the course of an asteroid, should it be headed for Earth. They just did it with a benign asteroid, and it worked perfectly. They hit a pyramid sized asteroid with a refrigerator size spacecraft. I took these photos with my iPhone, off CNN and happened to catch the 1/4 second when the red explosion lit up the asteroid before it hit! 👍

Birch polypore is medicinal but not edible because the texture is like styrofoam
ReplyDeleteYes, a soft sort of styrofoam.
DeleteI would never ever eat a wild mushroom. PhD*Son ate one when he was just under 1 year old, while we were camping. Long story short, it was one of the most poisonous with a collar...and we were so grateful that our pediatrician had gifted us with a little bottle of Ipecac at our daughter's 1st birthday, and we had never needed to use it, so still had it...and had it with us. Worked well. Then we had to watch him for possible effects of the Ipecac. He sweated a little, but was fine.
I have read that all tree fungi are non-poisonous.
DeleteFrom Wikipedia: Laetiporus is a genus of edible mushrooms found throughout much of the world. Some species, especially Laetiporus sulphureus, are commonly known as sulphur shelf, chicken of the woods, the chicken mushroom, or the chicken fungus because it is often described as tasting like and having a texture similar to that of chicken meat. The name "chicken of the woods" is not to be confused with another edible polypore, Maitake (Grifola frondosa) known as "hen of the woods/rams head” or with Lyophyllum decastes, known as the "fried chicken mushroom". The name Laetiporus means "with bright pores".
We harvested field mushrooms when I was young; we could identify the single species, and that very well-- but every once in a while there was one that didn't look quite typical, so we threw it away. On part of our land a particular large kind of mushroom grew that we understood to be edible, but didn't eat. We had heard that it had to be prepared in a particular way, but never investigated.
DeleteI'm still not willing to experiment with wild mushrooms.
DeleteI had never seen it before--birch trees are not native hereabouts. Wikipedia notes that it was found on Otzi the Iceman and quotes speculation that he might have used it as medicine, but I recall (correctly or not) that it was part of his fire kit-- it is good tinder. I saw a demonstration of it-- just knock a spark into it, blow lightly and a tiny flame appears.
ReplyDeleteHe also had in his kit flint and a specific type of stone that sparks well-- an unusual type of pyrite? Too lazy to look it up now.
DeleteRepublican abortion bans restrict women’s access to other essential medicine [Click] There are reasons that the practice of medicine is reserved to physicians rather than politicians.
ReplyDeleteThe abortion ban is dual purpose. On the one hand it supports the male property right in the sperm and, on the other, it supports the basic antagonism towards women on the part of male hegemonists.
DeleteI remember there was much antagonism towards equality for women after the civil rights era. I did not realize until reading about Pauli Murray the other day that she is to be credited with adding gender as something to be protected from discrimination in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. All I knew was that during the 18 months I was employed by the federal government I got three pay raises, even as I was rejected for the more appropriate jobs I applied for. What I learned was that employment was not for me and so I decided to be a full time household manager and civic activist.
Widespread resistance to Putin’s conscription program. [Click]
ReplyDeleteGuardian Live reports on Ukraine war [Click]
Woo, quite a weather day--brooms, spoons little and big branches rolling rocks. Hitting roof and siding. Only had one of these before, never want another.
ReplyDeleteNo new DVD player. But HAVE finished 81 times on Guernsey and sarting the next.
DeletePBS is showing LIVE: NASA is going to deliberately crash a spacecraft into a small asteroid (in just a few minutes) to see if that can alter its course...incase it is ever needed to save Earth.
ReplyDeleteImpact expected at 7:20pmET
DeleteDart LIVE
Whoa! It hit (direct hit) at 7:16pmET.
DeleteI am of the opinion that it would be better to nudge the asteroid and slowly push it into a different orbit. But that would be considerably more complicated.
DeleteI take it that the asteroid didn't shatter, which would be the main concern with a direct hit.
DeleteRight. The asteroid is the size of a pyramid. The spacecraft being only the size of a refrigerator, it couldn't have shattered it.
DeleteDVD not coming tonight, it's being help prisoner in NC and UPS. Tomorrow, mebbe,
ReplyDeleteHope so! You have so much else to see...!
DeleteBy now you can recite Guernsey in your sleep.
Tutankhamun’s burial chamber may contain door to Nefertiti’s tomb [Click]