Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Bye, November


  1. Goods shipped directly from Ireland to EU up by 50% in six months [Click]

    On NHK news this morning they said there were 200 ships waiting to unload at Los Angeles, and (as I remember--haven't verified it) about 900 big trucks just parked there for lack of people willing to drive them. (Or should that be for lack of trucking companies willing to pay decent wages? The NHK report did address that question.)

    1. One thing that puzzles me is that there is this huge backlog at the Port of Los Angeles, but no mention of problems at the Port of Long Beach directly across a narrow inlet. My memory from when I lived in Long Beach about 60 years ago is that Long Beach is a bit the larger port.

    2. They are conflated; figure that "Los Angeles" means "Los Angeles and Long Beach."

  2. Replies
    1. That sure is a LOT of people. So sad!

      Wil keeps saying that Covid may reduce the number of Republicans and others who refuse masking and vaccination. He may be correct. In Vermont 71 to 80% of all people hospitalised for Covid have not been vaccinated.

  3. Texas man given nine years in prison over $1.6m Covid relief fraud [Click] Being who I am, it is natural that I should wonder if the defendant (and others mentioned who have done similar things) is a registered Republican.

    From across the pond we have the following: [Click] Contracts for PPE were handed out to friends, donors, cronies, firms Owen Paterson worked for, Tory councillors, Matt Hancock’s publican … the list goes on. Much of this happened via VIP lanes and WhatsApps that have now mysteriously disappeared. Billions in taxpayers’ money were spent – but many of those billions were wasted. Individuals made staggering profits, often on items that ended up being unusable. Yet instead of being regarded as social pariahs, these people sail on regardless. Some of them are even in the House of Lords.

  4. Replies
    1. It seems hardly credible that Judge Ho would be ignorant of the racist discrimination (extending even to massacres) against Chinese immigrants, but perhaps he considers his own social class more important. Judge Reeves is certainly remarkable--but perhaps it is to be expected that a judge like him should arise in Mississippi.

  5. It's been really cold here...teens at night and 20's-30's by day. That's cooler than normal for this time of year. But it also means we're getting "weatherised" quicker than normal. I've been walking around with my Winter coat unzipped (days only so far).

    1. The past three days here have been warm enough that there was no need for a jacket. When we took our morning walk today I didn't even wear and undershirt. We are making reasonable progress with pruning our fruit trees.
