Mind you, this is a sunny, blue sky and puffy clouds sort of day
...only not. All the mountains disappeared.
Then we had a bit of weather, in the form of a wild thunderstorm deluge (which I drove through),
which brought down tree limbs by our house and changed our Orange level air quality to Yellow!

Our DIL looked so much better today. Hurrah!! I am much relieved.
ReplyDeleteAfter a guidance meeting, I went over to Youngest's house to bring dinner and lend a hand. DIL came downstairs and we had a good talk. It's AMAZING she could come down the stairs on her own (and they're steep!).
DeleteOn my way home the area was struck by a severe thunderstorm, which sure made a memorable drive! It involved LOTS of lightning and thunder and sheets of driving rain, with daylight nearly completely darkened for so long that when the storm lifted it was a surprise to see the day brighten again! I thought the sun had set!
Thunderstorm Tears Through Chittenden County (VT)
Amazing indeed that your DIL is doing so well after her surgery! And that smoke is coming from nearly three thousand miles away!
DeleteAre thunderstorms common in VT during the summer?
DeleteNew York air quality among worst in world as haze from western wildfires shrouds city [Click]
DeleteThunderstorms and lightning threaten to spur more fires in US west [Click]
Video: Smoke From Western Wildfires Reaches Northeast [Click]
DeleteWell, sure, all of New England gets thunderstorms in the Summertime. They are generally tame, all things considered; nothing like the intensity I witnessed while visiting Maryland! But everything on the planet is bigger and more intense. I have to wonder if the intensity of our human divisions is related.
DeleteAnd if related, which is the cause and which the effect? That should be something interesting to ponder.
DeleteWe rarely have thunderstorms around here.
If memory serves, thunderstorms are rare in southeastern England. They're certainly common here in Massachusetts (as they are in the D.C. area)to my chagrin. Used to enjoy them when I was young, but not anymore. Probably our house having been struck by lightning twice since we moved in in 1987 has a lot to do with that. Damned things care me to death now.
DeleteAlan, to get a good thunderstorm, you need humidity. So that explains why we get them and you don't.
“One of the last things they do before they’re intubated is beg me for the vaccine. I hold their hand and tell them that I’m sorry, but it’s too late.”
ReplyDelete— Dr. Brytney Cobia, quoted by AL.com.
Full article here. [Click]
DeleteLA Times: California coronavirus hospitalizations hit highest point in months as Delta spreads [Click]
DeleteLas Vegas officials decide against mask mandate for tourists on Strip, in casinos [Click]
ReplyDeleteThat's kind'a stupid!
DeleteWell, as far as I can tell, Las Vegas depends on the gullible and not-so-bright; and the customer is always right, they say.
DeleteBut surely it won't be good for business if on the one hand visitors spread the virus in Vegas itself and on the other Vegas becomes an epicenter from which visitors returning home spread the virus. Either way, killing the golden goose, to say nothing of everyone in the city who depends on that goose.
DeleteOh, they're probably in a hard spot no matter what. If they lose enough income from gambling, they may have to institute an income tax, which should result in the emigration of at least some people who moved there to avoid income tax.
DeleteInstitutional Authority Has Vanished. Wikipedia Points to the Answer. [Click] “The crowdsourced reference site can teach the CDC [and others] how to communicate in an era of rumors and shifting information.” Very good idea, I think.
DeleteOn a more upbeat note:
ReplyDelete‘Part-time adventurers’: amateur fossil hunters get record haul in Cotswolds [Click]
BBC’: Jurassic Pompeii' yields thousands of 'squiggly wiggly' fossils [Click] More extensive article, from Auntie Beeb.
DeleteElection Officials May Quit As They Become Targets [Click] “We’re in danger of losing a generation’s worth of professional election expertise. That would be bad enough if it weren’t also combined with the fact that they might be replaced with partisan hackery.”
ReplyDeletePandemic Fuels Steepest Decline in US Life Expectancy Since WWII - Click
ReplyDeleteMore and more advantage to welcoming immigrants. I still want someone to be funding my Social Security. I'm also 100% in favor of removing the income cap for SS taxes; let Jeff Bezos help out.
DeleteJust mentioning that IMHO that would also imply removing the cap on SS payments. But the way benefits are calculated, that would wtill be a plus for the SS trust fund.