Saturday, March 28, 2020

First Bee of the Season!

Head's up, Renee and Susan!


  1. Graham Warned Trump He’ll ‘Own’ the Deaths [Click] This is not the first recent private conversation between Trump and Graham that has been leaked to the press; who is the leaker? My first suspicion is that it is, either directly or indirectly, Graham. But it could be something more Machiavellian.

    1. Trying to distance himself ahead of November. Perhaps the rats are abandoning the sinking ship?

  2. Replies
    1. It should be illegal. But the Congress have been so busy handing out billions to mega corporations that they couldn't add language in any of their Coronavirus bills explicitly outlawing such activity for the duration. Repulsive!

  3. I will have to partially withdraw from the news for a while. Starting yesterday I have been a bit dizzy, and it continues this morning with no physical explanation (i.e. CCovid-19 symptoms). Dizziness is my symptom of stress, so the likely explanation.

    I leave you for the morning with the thought that Biden's basement campaign is in between McKinley's front porch campaign and Gene Debs' campaign from his prison cell. Biden's food is surely much better than Debs' prison rations, which left him malnourished.

    1. Take care, Alan! I've been experiencing dizzy spells myself lately, so understand what you're going through. Withdrawing from the news is probably a very good idea, since it's unusually stress-making at the moment. *hug*

    2. Morning walk then some time on the porch, a well-written book, afternoon nap, a slow dinner and a long comedy movie. And don't forget the chocolate.

      Take good care of yourself. We all need a new pace these days.
      But do pop by and keep us posted.

      I woke up today feeling better than yesterday. No fever at all. Not worried.

    3. Take care of yourself. We'll manage without your highly informative links.

    4. Thanks, all. I didn't follow my own advice during lunch; a few gleanings below.

  4. Ohio, 1,406 confirmed cases, 25 deaths. I have a feeling that if we had more tests available that number would be explosively higher. But we are ruled by a sociopathic narcissist who demands worship.

  5. Vermont COVID-19 cases/deaths:
    Sun 52/2 ~ Mon 75/5 ~ Tues 95/7 ~ Weds 123/8 ~ Thurs 158/9 ~ Fri 184/10 ~ SAT: 211/12

    Thus, Vermont's death rate this week has remained highest in the nation:
    SUN 3.8%, MON 6.6%, TUE 7.4%, WED 6.5%, THU 5.7%, FRI 5.4%, SAT 5.7%

  6. Replies
    1. Regarding that first link, won’t it be interesting to see what happens to his support when the virus abates and the market doesn’t bounce back fast?

  7. Fresno County is now up to 31 confirmed coronavirus cases, with four known to be community acquired, none hospitalized and no deaths. Fingers crossed.

  8. Alan, maybe you need to just check the news for an hour a day or two half hours. Then just live... ?

    1. I took care of what I had to do for the taxperson; that's a stone off my heart. In a little while I will write at least a first draft of a letter I owe a federal defender. Then I will be down to only one opinion for a public defender; then I can relax.

  9. We had thunderstorms last night, none severe. More serious thunderstorms and possible tornados predicted for tonight.

    1. Hope you can stay safe! ♥

    2. Wow! Did they extend the Watch to Chicago? Take care.

  10. Replies

    1. I already did, because I got a text from Bernie’s people about it. I also wrote an email to Jeff Bezos:

      Jeff at Amazon dot com
