Monday, September 02, 2019

Just Yikes!

It’s Labor Day, and all I can think of is the people trying to survive in the Bahamas. 

Dorian really needs to start turning north today, or Florida is in big trouble.


  1. Trump is very concerned about Dorian hitting Alabama [Click] It seems to me that he is particularly concerned about places that vote Republican.

    WaPo: Texas Republicans just don’t get it [Click]

  2. We had rain in the afternoon, heavy at times; but the sun came out for a lovely evening.

  3. Can't remember if I said - Last afternoon and evening I read Goodbye Mr. Chips. What a lovely, gentle and very touching book! I started getting misty-eyed on page one and was sobbing by the end. It is very possibly the best book I have ever read. Most highly recommended!
