Friday, April 19, 2019

Good Friday


  1. Lotsa lotsa rain. River just sheeting over bridge, more rain scheduled. Tornado watch till midnight. Fun, I say, FUN!

  2. It seemed rather warm here to both of us--the weather report says currently 91F. Thin clouds, tomorrow cooler, more clouds. They say.

    1. That temp gives new meaning to the Lenten tradition of Hot Cross Buns!

  3. We will be off to San Jose for shopping and visit with Naomi tomorrow (Saturday). On the way out of town we will buy some fresh strawberries from one of the local stands. They are very large, being early; the later ones will be smaller but sweeter. Even these early ones are considerably better than the best of the ones from the large farms over on the coast. The Hmong farmers not only improved the quality of the strawberries, but dramatically extended the growing season to boot. They generally have various vegetables on sale, and in season blackberries.
