Wednesday, February 06, 2019


Bust of a Woman
Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse 
French, 1824-1887


  1. Some sort of ceramic, is it not?

    1. I should have looked him up before I asked; he was particularly well known for his work in terra cotta.

  2. Re listener's question about whether anyone here would be watching the State of the Union address, I do not recall ever watching or listening to one. It doesn't seem to me that one can reasonably expect to gain anything from it.

    1. You may be right, Alan. Wil is something of a history buff, and has read biographies of many Presidents and Founders. There really is something wonderful about a joint session of Congress sitting and listening to a President. (Well, usually, anyway.) But I watch to have a inkling of what the coming agenda looks like. And this was eye opening as regards blatant championing of big oil and racism. We knew that, but it's definitely planned to be right out in front. Disgusting. Congress has been derelict in allowing this election in the first place and not throwing this guy out already. If Mueller doesn't hurry up there won't be much nation left to save.

  3. Pelosi turns clapping into a viral art form as she trolls Trump [Click] “…it has already been made into a reaction gif on Twitter, meaning long after the speech has been forgotten, people will still be able to use Pelosi as a way to show disapproval at anything from a Piers Morgan rant to one of Trump’s late-night missives.”

    1. There was this one compelling expression, sort of halfway between a head shake and an eyeroll. We may need a special emoji for it. I thought she looked at times like she might have tears in her eyes. But she held it together.

    2. Oh, I looked the the .gif you wrote of and it's a completely different moment than the one I was describing.

    3. Okay, I found it. It's where he chastised "ridiculous partisan investigations." It comes around 20 seconds into this video. Enjoy.

  4. The BBC reports that DT broke traditional protocol by not waiting for the customary introduction from the House speaker before beginning his speech.

    I missed that because I was loading the dryer as it started. What a toad.

    1. He is completely ignorant of the role and responsibilities of the Presidency. He has no social skills at all, because in his mind everything is about him and he's always searching for those who will praise him - others don't count or get trashed. He is completely crass and as we used to say in school "rude, crude and socially unacceptable".

      I didn't watch or listen to him because he literally makes me nauseous, but I did read about his dragging in his dislike of the "partisan investigations". It's only "partisan" because it IS an investigation. It is being conducted by Republicans - at least in the case of Mueller.

      Oh, and Stacey Abrams was magnificent.

    2. Later on this evening I will watch Abrams' response; I gather that it was not long.

  5. Madam: I MOST STRENUOUSLY object to such gratuitous defamation of toads! It *might* be permissible to compare a cane toad to Donald Trump, but certainly not toadkind in general! Mr. Toad would surely be devastated.

    1. Ah yes, I offer my heartfelt apologies to any bufonem emittunt whom I may have offended.

      I feel similarly any time someone calls DT a toddler. Some of my sweetest grands are toddlers and they are lovely little human beings, unlike he whose name I do not utter.

    2. Your apology is duly noted, Madam, and considered satisfactory.

  6. Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s Mistreatment Of Staff Scared Off Candidates To Manage Her Presidential Bid [Click] Hmmmmmm….. differences of opinion…..

    How the Women of the House Flipped the State of the Union Script [Click]

    The State of Virginia Politics
    February 6, 2019 at 1:44 pm EST By Taegan Goddard

    Mark Berman of the Washington Post recaps:

    Virginia’s governor admitted he wore blackface.
    The Lt. Governor is facing a sexual assault allegation.
    The Attorney General says he too wore blackface.
    The House Speaker is next in line. He has that job because an election was tied and a name picked out of a bowl.

    Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball: “Saying that anything in the annals of American political history is ‘unique’ or ‘unprecedented’ is dangerous, for the simple fact that the past is filled with so many oddities from which we can draw parallels. That said, we’re struggling to come up with something equivalent to what we’ve seen in Virginia over the past week.”


    Trump Went Off Script on Legal Immigration [Click]

    1. Although you can never trust what Trump says for more than a minute, it is not unbelievable that he wants very large numbers of legal immigrants. Which would on the whole be a good thing as the resident population ages. Most Republicans don't want this, but what most Republicans want has never bothered Trump.

  7. In re Speaker applauds President:

    Speaker applauds the President [Click] Multiple takes. Also
    With cold hamberders
    Respectable Lawyer: It's been brought to my attention that Pelosi stole this from the Thermians in Galaxy Quest.

  8. I had occasion to look up information in Wikipedia about the origin and dispersal of coconuts. The following is almost incredible:

    "Genetic studies of coconuts have also confirmed pre-Columbian populations of coconuts in Panama in South America. However, it is not native and display a genetic bottleneck resulting from a founder effect. A study in 2008 showed that the coconuts in the Americas are genetically closest related to coconuts in the Philippines, and not to any other nearby coconut populations (including Polynesia). Such an origin indicates that the coconuts were not introduced naturally, such as by sea currents. The researchers concluded that it was brought by early Austronesian sailors to the Americas from at least 2,250 BP, and may be proof of pre-Columbian contact between Austronesian cultures and South American cultures..."

    1. Maybe rather than "almost incredible" I should say remarkable, impressive, or something like that. Maybe they were swept out to sea or diverted from their course by a storm.

    2. So interesting! I have never even thought of coconuts as growing in the USA. LOL!

      When was 2,250 BP? Did you mean BCE?

    3. I believe 2250 BP would be 231 BCE. Subtract the current CE date from the number of years before the present.

  9. Serious icing landed in Vermont tonight. It came in so swiftly during the evening commute that there were scores of accidents including a 13 car pileup on the interstate. Cars were crawling along for hours trying to get home.
    And do you know what? Some Vermonters our on their ice cleats and brought coffee, water, food and gas to stranded motorists, or let them warm up in their homes. I love how people here go into action when folks are in need! Weather is such a unifier.

    1. Most of Chicagoland escaped last nights predicted ice storm. It turned out to be just barely warm enough (33F) that the ice mostly melted rather than accumulating. Serious ice accumulation in other parts of northern Illinois, though.

  10. We had a bit of frost this morning; the sky cleared and we had the best view of the mountains for some time. There is snow on the foothills--still rather thin, but on the foothills nonetheless.

    I listened to Stacy Abrams' speech following Trump's; not bad.
