Monday, October 01, 2018

36: Welcome, October


  1. 2018 Is The Year Of Federal Budget Debauchery [Click]

    Where Is Elaine Chao? [Click]

    We’re Headed for Another ‘Change’ Election [Click]

    Graham Questioned Sotomayor Over Her ‘Temperament’ [Click]

    Top Maine Newspaper Urges Collins to Vote Against Kavanaugh [Click]

    Kavanaugh Battle Expands Historic Gender Gap [Click]
    Exchange of the Day
    October 1, 2018 at 10:40 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

    Sens. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Chris Coons (D-DE) were interviewed by Scott Pelley on 60 Minutes:
    PELLEY: If Judge Kavanaugh is shown to have lied to the Committee, nomination’s over?
    FLAKE: Oh yes.
    COONS: I would think so.
    Farm Law Expires As Negotiators Remain Divided on New Bill [Click] Cute.


    P.S. If Kavanaugh is the September Surprise, what in Heaven's name will be the October Surprise?

    1. Contemplating October Surprises, I am reminded of Edwin Edwards' advice for politicians not to be caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy. A full-blown October Surprise of that support would require a very prominent politician. But October Surprises are most likely to be counted among the unknowable unknowns. Of course they can happen to either side, but it is hard to imagine anything big enough to boost the GOP out of the hole it has already dug itself into; a deeper hole or a collapse of said hole seems much more likely IMO.


    2. "A full-blown October Surprise of that support..." should read
      " A full-blown October Surprise of that sort... "


    3. Well, I'd say that maybe with Global Warming October surprises now come early, except that Kavanaugh's fate is still uncertain and it is now already October.

  2. The Double-Wow is astronomy photos of the year.


  3. Replies
    1. Be sure to come back and tell us how art class went! Did you enjoy the perspective sketching? That was always my bane. I dislike drawing straight lines. LOL!

      I very nearly took an oil painting class this Autumn which begins tomorrow evening. I had actually sent in my application and got accepted, but then learned the class uses traditional oils and traditional solvents ONLY. I would not be allowed to use water soluble oils and soap and water. So I had to bow out, as there is no way I am bringing those chemicals into my house.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Bill! It's such a beautiful time of year.

  5. A clergy woman I met with today told me of her heartache that so many in her congregation cannot afford healthcare. She would like to see the various church denominations come together to demand a sane healthcare plan for our nation. I wonder why they haven't already. Has anyone heard of something like this happening? Any thoughts?

  6. Threats on black Vermont lawmaker were so 'dangerous,' she dropped re-election bid. Now she has resigned.

    (Now former) Vermont Rep. Kiah Morris:
    "The support not only locally has been powerful to see, but it's also been statewide and that's been quite phenomenal to witness. Overwhelmingly, people have been shaken by me telling my truth," she said.
    "I feel proud of all that has been accomplished. I am honored to have been able to serve in this role. I feel that I needed to give myself and my family the space to heal from everything that was happening to us, but I needed to press the conversation that public service by people of color and other marginalized groups does not have to require martyrdom.
    "The risk and the dangers are there. It's part of our national climate. That does not make it acceptable. It should not have to be a norm. It cannot be a norm if we are truly to transform our country."

  7. Republicans giving up on repealing California gas tax, it seems. [Click] Opponents of repeal have 30 million dollars in the bank; proponents have 83 thousand. GOP donors redirecting money to reelection campaigns.

    Opinion: Fox News to Republican Party: Yikes! [Click] From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “In the end, of course, what voters tell pollsters will not matter in the least. What will matter—the only thing that matters—is who turns out to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 6th. However, if I’m a Republican consultant looking at numbers like these, I wouldn’t know where to turn for a winning issue.”

    Kevin Siers cartoon: Brett Kavanaugh’s Party Animals [Click] Ouch!

    GOP Rides Male Resentment Ahead of Midterms [Click] So it isn’t just the death rattle of white supremacy, but the death rattle of white male supremacy? Rattle on, boys.


    1. One of the commenters on FB cracked me up. She said, "Tucker Carlson is afraid of a honkycaust".
