Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Ides of March

Politics was never a safe career.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes. That's the news report of the letter I mentioned before. Makes me wonder if I should get involved (by way of contribution) in the murky obscurity of Chicago politics after all. What do others thing?

    2. Sending a little love might not be amiss; but active campaigning would seem rather much. The new guy seems a lot nicer than the incumbent, comes across as frankly obnoxious--but he might be effective nonetheless. I can't venture a legitimate opinion.


  2. Egad! It isn't Summer, but it's feeling pretty darn close to it for March. Currently (2:30 PM) it is 92 degrees and 16% humidity. The weather report says the snow depth is not available...


  3. The almond blossoms have all disappeared from the orchards, as have the beehives. The grapevines and pistachios are all beginning to leaf out nicely. Small plants are starting to sprout in some large fields that looked like they might have been fallowed; underground drip irrigation makes the fields look dry when they are not. I noticed one big planting of canola (a domesticated variant of wild mustard--beautiful green plants and yellow flowers). I stopped on the way home at a store where I found a straw hat (now worn out) last year that was my size--but no luck this year. Early to bed tonight.


  4. Bill, if Howard Dean likes him, he makes my "A" list too. :-) Emanuel never did.
