All Souls' Day
Did you turn your clocks back? If not, it's earlier than you think! :-)

= Happy All Soul's Day! =
I saw this van parked at Dunkin Donuts one town over from ours.
Check out:
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1:00:00 AM
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Who's first on this first of November? Why Howard Dean, of course!
ReplyDeleteRe the question on the last thread about how much sleep Penny got: She got to bed a bit before 1 a.m. daylight saving time and set the alarm for 5 a.m. standard time, but then kept hitting the snooze until 6. She doesn't need to get up that early on Sunday but finds it convenient to leave the alarm set for the same time as on Friday. She will have a chance to doze a bit sitting up in the wee hours of tomorrow morning, but then will go right to bed when she gets home around 10 a.m. and sleep until dinner time.
I should mention that she and her coworker are putting in extra hours to cover for her other coworker, who is In Porto Rico for some weeks getting an estate settled. Normally she works 10 hours Saturday and 14 hours Sunday.
Wow. Penny deserves lots of TLC and some delicious, nutritious meals during this time! I hope work is good to her too.
DeletePenny works by choice, not necessity. And as the most senior of the three employees, she is the one who draws up the work schedules.
DeleteI don't really know what she takes to work. Or in some cases picks up on the way to work. I don't think she's the type to order in.
We got the back porch all cleaned off and the grill and wheelbarrow put away for Winter. Folks south and east of us have snow, but we have sunshine instead! It's cold (39F) and windy (18mph), though. It's time.
ReplyDeleteWe had some rain Friday night and Saturday morning. On the way to work Saturday the sun rose at 0735--twenty minutes later than two weeks before. Cotton seems largely harvested, vineyards are being cleaned up and manured. A pretty easy weekend for me--I got some deep sleep Sunday morning--not too much, mind you, but enough to make a considerable difference. While poking around on the Internet I cam across the following article in the NY Times; it seems to be enough to jog me into making a lifestyle change for my health:
ReplyDeleteThe Dangers of Eating Late at NIght [Click]
The symptoms mentioned are very familiar--I attributed my light, nonproductive cough to dirty air, but if eating patterns are the explanation, I want to know. The statistic about the increase in esophageal cancer during the past forty years is jaw-dropping. (We knew someone who died of it--the prognosis is evidently poor as a rule.) Thinking back, when I was a kid we (the whole family) always had dinner at 6 PM. Now so many people work much later than that...
The article lost me straight off with its claim that acid reflux can cause chronic rhinosinusitis. I find that absurd. I don't know whether eating shortly before bedtime (which is what he means by "late" -- has nothing to do with clock hour) can contribute to acid reflux, I don't know. I have heard, and find it plausible, that it can contribute to weight gain because you are not active during the time your body is metabolizing the food.
DeleteI picked up on the chronic rhinosinusitis because that's what I have, with post-nasal drip and a cough that serves to clear my throat. It's partially controlled by a steroid nasal spray and saline nasal lavage.
When my achalasia was at it's worst, I found a list of anti-GERD foods, and ate as many as I could. Actually, my own body had been demanding them for a year before naming them, lol! The docs at the hospital where I was first diagnosed seemed to have a LOT of trubble *getting* the concept of reverse GERD. . . .