Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Make ART!

Yes, Cat, you may. ;-)


  1. Howard's first this third day of June (and every other day)!

  2. The next three days will be interesting.

    Tomorrow is Eldest's 39th Birthday, so we're meeting him for lunch.

    Thursday is VT*Grand's dress rehearsal for her dance recital AND school play performance. The play is performed once in the daytime and once in the evening, with dance rehearsal between the two performances. She needs back makeup for the play, and clown makeup for the dance rehearsal. I pick her up at 2:45 and have to have her back at school by 5:30pm (also fed). LOL!!

    Friday is a Retreat Day! I am partaking of an online retreat through www.shalem.org. It's so cool how they plan it! You sign up for $39 and you have an interactive retreat (with real humans) which you can do on any one of three days: Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
