Thursday, March 27, 2014

Vesper Light


  1. Yahoo for Dean!

    Neat trick! [Click] New dwarf planet discovered, WAY out there; evidently the second one from the Oort Cloud, way beyond Pluto. But the linked photo is the neat thing. They took three photos of the area where it was discovered, two hours apart, with red, then green, then blue filters. Then they combined them, which made the immobile background stars white, but the dwarf planet was three colored dots!

    Long day, early morning for me. We had some real rain here last night and today, and more is expected on Wednesday and this weekend. We can use it.


  2. That is very cool about the new dwarf planet, Alan (no pun intended); thanks for sharing!

    Hurrah for RAIN!!! May you have more soon. :-)

    1. Actually, rain is predicted for Saturday, Monday (possibly), Tuesday and Wednesday. Good. It sounds like General Winter is still giving folks back in your neck of the woods a thrashing. When the snow gets around to thawing, I certainly hope you don't have floods.

      Now to get to work on some preparation for two cases in Oakland tomorrow. A double header at the same courthouse. In Stockton today I testified before a grand jury; that's my second time for that. District Attorneys will sometimes go to the grand jury to get an indictment if there are procedural roadblocks in the regular courts and things seem pretty clear-cut. This time the grand jury used what seemed to be the county Board of Supervisors' meeting room, which was pretty nice. The time before, in another county, they were crammed into what seemed to be a standard conference room designed for small departmental meetings.


  3. Replies
    1. It seems to do that from time to time. I hope it finds them tasty. :P
