Tuesday, March 05, 2013

It's Town Meeting Day in Vermont! Yeah!


  1. Howard Dean is First
    ESPECIALLY on Town Meeting Day!!

    I'm slated to work at the polls 11:30am to 2:00pm before going to work 3:00-8:00pm. And just at the moment...I'm nauseous. Argh!

    Send me some seriously good vibes, please!

    1. Seriously good vibes and a couple of very large chunks of light on their way!!


    2. Thanks puddle and Bill! Worked great, puddle!! I've felt a little "off" all day, but made it through just fine. Tired and hitting the hay early. =Whew!=

  2. So: it was 10", then dropped back to 5", then creeped back up to 7", 8", and *now* stands at 10"-15", with the teevee guy saying maybe 18". . . . Any bets?

  3. Well, it finally started: just ice pellets for now. And four hours late. Guess it won't be leaving early.

  4. I worked at the polls today and enjoyed Town Meeting. Of course the greatest discussion was about the planned paving of a road. :-) My favourite moment was when an old gentleman stood at the microphone to say that instead of adding fancy speed tables and other nonsense we just need to keep a sense of humour and find a simple way to remind people not to speed. He suggested posting a sign beneath each speed limit sign that reads “Radar one day per week.” The whole place broke into laughter and applause! :-)

  5. blogspot will finally let me sign in! Regret that I wasn't able to send good wishes to listener earlier.

    And I wanted to tell puddle no bets. They upped the prediction for here from 5" to 10". Penny tells me it's 9" so far and still coming down.

  6. Thanks. Bill! (See my two notes above.)

  7. I'm tired and heading to bed early, too. Slept until 11 (9-1/2 hours), took a brief nap this afternoon, and still find myself totally dragged out at 11:30. Hope to get mucho done tomorrow.
