Thursday, July 12, 2012

High Tide


  1. Howard'd be most first, betcha!

    listener ~~ whew!! Love and light from here to there. Just reading your schedule makes me tarred.

    Beautifully COOL here this morning. Upper fifties outside, mid sixties inside. Got the heater on, lol! Such a relief after last week!

    Giving Clementine another spin in a bit. Praying for good luck and patience.

    Pat in Colorado is using WaterFox, and is pretty happy with it. Have only read great things about it. There's another, which I haven't done much reading on called Cool Moon.

    And Cat, from what I've read about Windows 8, which is out this fall, it's even *less* intuitive than 7. Everything I've read is that it's a horror show on wheels, so I'm trying to be very happy that I at least managed to get 7. If it lasts as long as XP has, I may be dead before I need to do 8. . . . Truth is, if I had my druthers, I'd still be on '98 SE.

    1. I haven't really been happy with Windows since 3.1, though in retrospect 95 was a dream!

      Hard to imagine anything being less intuitive than 7! *shudder* Going to hang on to my poor old XP as long as possible.

  2. The "START* button is gone. And associated lists/menues. . . . evidently stuff just floats around on your screen waiting for you. . . . Kim Comando kind of likes it (after a while) and I love and respect the ooman, but she's a helluva lot more teckie than I'll evah be. . . .

    1. The different elements of Appearance - background color/wallpaper, font attributes etc. have all been separated out. I still haven't gotten all that basic stuff set to my satisfaction.

      And it's hard to find files. The directory/folder system has been monkeyed with.

      Puddle, you can clean that garbage - Weather, Clock and Calendar - off your desktop. You might want to keep the clock though, since there doesn't seem to be one in the taskbar.

    2. I have a clock in my taskbar. But none came on the desktop. I will be getting rid of the weather when I have to the time. Checking the task manager, this guy is running 85 processes! I thought the old one was excessive when it was running 30!

      Once I get a browser I can live with will run msconfig and see what I can do about getting rid of some of them. Whew!

      At least disk check, and defrag are where they should be.

  3. Downloading WaterFox right now: 3:30 minutes remaining. . . .

  4. With 28% downloaded there are now seven hours and 55 minutes remaining, lol!


    47% done, over 12 hours remaining, lol!

  6. I guess kids have no problem with Win7. John said that Gabriella, who is twelve or thirteen, has a lot of trouble adjusting to the pre-Win7 computers in the house. I guess it's all in what you're used to. But to my way of thinking, Win7 is not an advance.

  7. Puddle, the start menu is still there. Press the key directly to the right of the right hand Alt - the Windows Key, is it? The start menu comes up. Donno if there's a way to tailor that menu. Must be somewhere.

    1. Na. I was talking about Win8 not having a start button. It has a beta version out now for the ones who want to "preview". . . .

  8. 82% done; 12 hours plus remaining. . . .

    Just removed the stupid password -- don't think Beau will muck with Clementine. And added a butterfly picture to admin. Though without the password, I'm not likely to see it again for years, lol!

    1. Yah, da boy doesn't seem to be the geeky type. ;-)

  9. Lost power and phone at the Library, so am home early. No power or phone here either. Grateful for my iPhone and O2 Cool fans!! :-D

  10. I tell ya, it's been a helluva day. Last week when the Energy Audit dudes came, they waved their wand around our stove in the living room and said we had a gas leak at a particular joint and should have our propane company come check it out. Since Sweetie is working from home tomorrow, he called over to our propane people to ask if they might come and have a look at it tomorrow. Turns out state law requires them to check out a reported leak *immediately*. So I had to scrap plans and stay here. The guy said it would take 5-10 min. Apparently that's only if they find a leak. We had no leak. So it took about 35 min. Heh.

  11. Reading up on Siberian Huskies. They appear to be quite the imps.

  12. Well, Winters are long in to have some fun!

  13. So, Youngest brought his 3 year old kitty, Mali, over tonight, and she'll be here for several days now, then back again next week for a week. We all thought Mizzen & Spinnaker would take to Mali, and she's a friendly cat with other animals. But they were all Hallowe'en posing and worried. Sigh. It's going to be a long couple of weeks.

  14. listener--The Outermost House? Maybe that's one to look up; thanks for the tip.

    Yes, I composed that long post in a text editor and pasted it in. Seems to work better.

    That alleged DUI marijuana case in San Diego HAS been dragging on far too long, especially for one that should never have been filed at all. I think this is about the fourth time it has been continued. I long anticipated that when we could finally measure THC in blood we would be able to set some sort of per se value for DIU marijuana, like 0.08% for blood alcohol. It didn't work out that way. I still have an emotional desire that it were otherwise, but I have to go with the evidence of forty years' good research, and that says DUI marijuana rarely occurs in adults. Marijuana plus alcohol? Generally bad news.

    What I have heard about Win 7 & more so Win 8 is not impressive. My off-hours assignment while in Sandy Eggo next week is to really learn how to run a Win XP program on my Mac (without Windows). Win XP is not as reliable as IBM OS/2 or Mac OS X, but seems OK; I use it a lot at Job No. 1. That new/newly promised Microsoft tablet computer Steve Balmer was showing off the other day looks like a confused mishmash, and I would bet a nickel nut bar (that probably costs a dollar these days) that it flies like a lead balloon if they ever actually offer any for sale.

