This makes me freaking furious!
St. Lucie teacher has students vote on whether 5-year-old can stay in class
5-year-old Alex Barton's teacher made him stand in front of his kindergarten class and had his fellow students say what they didn't like about him and then vote whether he should remain in the class.Alex is in the process of being diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. That's what our son has.
Update: This blog has listed contact information for the school principal, superintendent, etc.
And as Demetrius just remarked, "If this doesn't qualify someone for 'Worst Person in the World', I don't know what does."
Another update. Apparently the teacher is trying to pass this off as a "teachable moment" on taking tallies.
The teacher said the boy had been sent to the office earlier that day, and when the office sent him back to class, Portillo asked her students whether they were ready for him to return, Steele said. Portillo said she asked the class to vote because they are learning about taking tallies, police say.More links

Not Special: Support Alex Barton
“We do things democratically here.”
And a New Goat (really good, insightful post, which I highly recommend)
Alex is "Cool"
Haloscan comment thread