Alexandra Lynch at Street Prophets just reminded me that, in addition to being Groundhog Day, today also marks the Celtic festival of Imbolc.

Some links:
Imbolc: Feeding the Body & Soul
The Wheel of the Celtic Year: Imbolc
By the way, I didn't learn until today, as I was searching to find out more about Imbolc, that there actually was a connection with Groundhog Day:
Imbolc was much concerned with fertility and weather prognostication. According to Gaelic folklore, the hag goddess Cailleach would gather firewood on Imbolc. If she intended to prolong winter she would make the day bright and sunny, the better to gather firewood. If Imbolc turned out overcast, it meant that Cailleach was asleep in her den and that there would be an early spring. Sound familiar? Most Groundhog Day reference sources cite this bit of Scottish verse:Amazing how many things I've gone most of my life not knowing...
If Candlemas be fair and bright,
Winter has another flight.
If Candlemas brings clouds and rain,
Winter will not come again.
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