Monday, February 18, 2008

How the Dean Campaign Is Helping Obama

First, there's the website. Joe Rospars, 26-year old head architect of Dean's internet team is Obama website designer and team manager.

Second, the fundraising model is the same as Dean used in 2004. Without this strategy as someone said, Obama would have been blown out of the race a long time ago.

Third, the Dean campaign itself. The momentum of the campaign propelled Dean into the DNC chairmanship. If Don Fowler or some Clinton crony would have gotten the gig, it could've totally shifted the playing field in favor of Hillary. We all remember how DNC Chairman McAuliffe (now Hil's campaign chair) stood by and failed to intervene as his former campaign client Dick Gephardt, tore Dean to shreds, along with Lieberman and other shadow Democrats in 2004.

When I go over to Obama's blog and read the comments, it reminds me so much of the comments that we read in 2004. Let's hope for the country's sake that the Dean legacy can continue to help Obama and bring about a better outcome.

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