My answer to yesterday's "question of the day"
It looks like we need a new thread. I don't want to do another "open thread", as it seems like we have too many of those, but I don't really have anything to say. A while back, Bill noted that he subscribed to the feed and was surprised at some point to notice that few of the posts were about politics. Yesterday, floridagal commented that she wondered if her posts here were too "controversial". I don't think they are. But this hasn't been much of a political blog for some time now. I guess I've disappointed some people.
Yesterday's Question of the Day at My Left Wing was "What do you want?" I responded that I had just been listening to Paul Simon in the car, which is how I arrived at the answer... tap into some wisdom. Even a little drop will do. I want to rid my heart of envy, and cleanse my soul of rage before I'm through.
I've come to realize that political blogging, or even regular reading of the political blogs, only serves to take me further from what I want.
But we do have this here blog which claims to be "an online community of Dean-inspired activists". That's what it was meant to be. I don't really want it to fizzle out, or I wouldn't have renewed the domain names when they came due back in November.
But the truth is, I'm not an activist. At least not any more. I'm probably still "Dean inspired" in some sense of the words, and I'm working on finding my niche. For those of you who are still "Dean-inspired activists", and still working to change the political system, I invite you to step up and bring more of that sensibility here. Write about what you're doing or thinking politically. Invite people to read what you write here. "Be the change you wish to see", and all that. I won't take offense. I do want to see that Dean spirit stay alive online, if for no other reason than as a testimony against the naysayers. Naysayers seriously get on my nerves. ;)
Haloscan comment thread