Why do you blog?
Yesterday's Question of the Day at My Left Wing asked the question, "Why do you blog?" Since I'm still busy working on grades, I thought I'd "borrow" that idea for a post here.
My response in that thread:
Wow-- deep questions, seriously. And one I've been trying to think about. I was reminded of that fact when I saw a fellow parishioner at church the other day. He's on the adult education committee and had approached me a while ago about taking part in a session about the internet and blogging.
We were in a religious education group together last year, and he recognized my writing from diaries at Big Orange. I blogged a lot more back then. I still feel like I need to keep blogging now, but don't have much sense of purpose or direction at the moment. Anyway, I was relieved that he didn't come over to me to talk about this issue on Sunday, because I'm still working on it.
Anyway, one of my answers with regard to why I blog, is that it allows me to occasionally have in depth conversations that could never happen in "real time". Face to face or (bleah) on the phone, the pace is too fast for me. But it's possible to have "deeper" conversations on blogs...and eventually bring those insights into real time conversations.
P.S. Go vote for Mr. Splashy Pants. ;)

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