Stuff that gets stuck in my head
A few days ago I had an old Sesame Street cartoon running through my head. It was about this kitten who was knittin' a kerchief, a kite, and a polka-dot mitten. The voiceover guy asked, "May I ask, Miss Kitten, why are you knittin' a kerchief, a kite, and a polka-dot mitten?" Miss Kitten responded, "Meow, yes, you may ask." So voiceover guy repeats in an exasperated voice, "Very well then, Miss Kitten, why are you..."
She finally responds, "Because it's Thursday."
I wanted to find the exact words to the sketch, because, well, sometimes I get obsessive about such things. And I usually find that someone else out there has gotten even *more* obsessive about the same topic, and there's a wiki.
Turns out that there is indeed a wiki where people have described, in excruciating detail, episodes of Sesame Street. Not so obsessive as to write out all the words to the kitten segment, but pretty darn detailed.By the way, you've got to check out the story arc in this particular episode. As a child, somehow I was oblivious to the almost crippling obsessive-compulsive symtpoms that the Count so clearly displayed.
Haloscan comment thread
The kitten says "Because it's Thursday."
ReplyDeleteThen there's a pause, and the voiceover man says, "Hunh?" The end.
Wonder what the kids thought of that.
I can dimly remember the kitten's voice, too. Not cartoon-distorted, but rather adult-feminine.