Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Alberto Gonzalez Testimony (and Open Thread)

I haven't had a chance to read through this yet, but Firedoglake had a number of posts (including some liveblogging) about the testimony of Alberto Gonzalez today.

Off topic, but I thought I'd share one of the new designs Demetrius has up. I've dubbed it the Hound of Heck. :)

Hound of Heck

Update: I took a break from other work and added a bunch of shared items here (in lieu of writing actual content, which I just can't take time for these days).

Via floridagal in the comments:

Ok, here are videos of Howard's appearances yesterday and today...except for the Rachel Maddow show.

And this comment from the spin room is just great. Love it.

"Let's give the last word to Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, who on his way out of the "spin room," said, "I thought it was great! It's fulfilling the promise of the Internet and is an end to the one-way TV. It's effectively handing the power to a new generation ... And it's going to be even more interesting when it's the Republicans' turn. I can't wait to see that one!"
Haloscan comment thread

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