New Year's Eve 2003 Flashback
Wanted to find a new picture of Howard Dean, or a link to a video, or *something* Howardly to post, but came up blank. So we'll have to settle for a New Year's Eve flashback from December 31, 2003. (That was the same December when Howard said the capture of Saddam Hussein hadn't made us safer, remember?"
Via the Blog for America archives...

Flat Howard united the feuding wings of the office -- he made peace between Joe Rospars and Clay Johnson, on behalf of the South and North sides of HQ, respectively, who agreed that we can only take out country back if we all come together.Bittersweet, I know. What could have been. But I'm thankful that Howard brought us all together, and thankful that he's still working to take this country back and restore our honor in the international community.
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