Pay attention, Hillary...Howard shows how it's done
From the Washington Post:
Click the link above to read the whole article and see this great picture (by Tony Talbot of AP) of Howard Dean campaigning for Matt Dunne.

Howard Dean, in comments to reporters in his home state, said Sen. John Kerry had committed "a blooper," but the reaction had given Democrats an opportunity to highlight what they describe as the Republicans' weaknesses on the Iraq war.See, Hillary...was that so hard?
"Kerry made a blooper. Bloopers happen," Dean said at the state party's campaign headquarters.
"I think we want to focus on the president's intemperate rhetoric in saying to vote for a Democrat is a vote to help the terrorists win," Dean said. "That's clearly untrue and that's exactly the reason why President Bush is a failed president."
Oh, and by the way--bad Democrat! No nomination for you!
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