I stand with Howard Dean
I wanted to make some sort of web button that people could use to show their support for Howard Dean in the face of the latest nonsense from traitor James Carville. But I'm not at my peak creativity-wise today. I would ask Demetrius, but he just started a new project that has a really close deadline. Anyway, here's what I came up with, and people are welcome to download it, resize as needed, and use it on your own sites.

I'd also like to gather the links of bloggers who have said they are going to have Howard's back on this, as well as any suggestions people have as far as making our voices heard. I'll start by posting the diaries/posts that I've seen so far, and hopefully other people can join in. I think we need to find a way to show a united front--one that the media and the DC insiders won't be able to ignore.
From MyDD:
If Howard Dean is ousted as DNC chair, I will start a campaign for all small donors and all netroots actiivsts to stop giving money to the DNC, DSCC, DCCC, DLCC and NGA. This is not an idle threat. Democratic parties and committees will lose tens of millions of dollars every year if they do this. Count on it.From Firedoglake : Gasbags of Fury
Staff at Buckeye State Blog posts Count Me In
At Salon.com: Howard Dean, Vindicated
If you'd like to give James Carville a piece of your mind, you can write to him at james@carville.info.
Update: Roundup of Dean birthday/DNC contribution ideas (please recommend this diary if you can)
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