The return of the brainstorming thread
I have been busy enough working on other things that I haven't even lurked at DFA-link very often lately. But when I do, I often see one poster or another raising the concern that the blog is "all Lamont, all the time". Actually, come to think of it, I've seen that complaint at other blogs as well. But most recently I noticed the complaints coming from someone whose blog name rhymes with, um, "Beaniac" and who lives in the Peach State. If I knew his address, I'd send him a personal invitation to blog about local politics here.
Well, now that I've publicly dropped a big enough hint that I think it made a thud, I will just refer back to the brainstorming thread...
If you are not currently a front page contributor and would like to be, just e-mail me and I can send you a Blogger invite. If you don't feel like making that commitment, or feel like the "technical" aspects are beyond your abilities (or what you have time to learn), then you can always send a single blog entry to that same address, and I can publish it for you.
The e-mail address is howardempowered(at)
In that thread, I also noted that the call for contributors is not because posting new threads is a lot of work for me, but that I would like it to have more variety, and I really would like to hear more of your stories about what's going on in your local elections. I further noted that,
If I don't have an idear for a main thread, I can always just post a few interesting links, or something from Cute Overload, or I can use an open thread to shamelessly promote the Cafe Press products...Like, for example, this one:

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