Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Please recommend this Howard Dean diary

Matt Bai NYT interview with Howard Dean, audio and rough transcript. Candid, fun.
by floridagal

On June 4 Howard Dean was on a New York Times Magazine forum with Matt Bai. It was the first Sunday With The Magazine. They finally have the audio on this appearance up. It is a very good interview, but there does not seem to be a transcript anywhere. Well worth listening.

Some of it has been transcribed in part elsewhere, but it is very long. Here is a little of it. So Howardly overall. Been a long time since we have heard him speak this candidly. And candid he is.
Also, if you visit other blogs, could you, pretty please, crosspost the diary link? Not for me, but for floridagal who took the time to do the transcription, and, of course, for Howard.

The picture of Howard that accompanies this post is a screen capture from a video of his appearance on the Charlie Rose show in 2004.

Alternate link for comments

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