"People like Bush. He doesn't use big words. He's one of us "
Crossposted at Daily Kos and Booman Tribune
Almost two years ago in October 2004 Rheta Grimsley Johnson, a favorite columnist, wrote this about George W. Bush. It was scathing in its simplicity, and it was absolutely brilliant in its ability to define this mean little man.
The article needs to be brushed off every now and then and reread and appreciated all over again.
Thanks, Rheta, for this column way back then. It was not very popular to say such things then....much thanks.
People like Bush. He doesn't use big words. He's one of us.
10/9/2004 10:30:51 AM
Daily Journal
I read an article. The article said people like George Bush. They like Bush because he speaks in short sentences. They can relate.
It makes sense. Who wants a wordy president? Bush sounds decisive. He sounds sure. He sounds sm--. Never mind. He is on our level.
The article called Bushspeak "austere." Bush wouldn't say "austere." That's a fancy word. Bush hates fancy words.
She nails his character, or lack of, in almost every paragraph. I could feel her anger combining with mine as I read it.
He also uses body language. His body uses short sentences, too. His body says: "I am tough. Don't mess with Texas. I don't windsurf."
Bush smiles a lot, too. He really smirks. Bush doesn't say "smirks." That's a fancy word.
Bush loves Laura. She is a good little woman. Laura doesn't meddle. Laura is quiet. Bush likes that.
And a little dig about the Weapons of Mass Destruction.
There were no WMDs. So what? Not his fault. Might have been weapons. Could have been. Should have been.
The U.N. is wimpy. France is wimpy. The world is wimpy. Except for us. And Great Britain.
Short, but powerful. Be sure to read it all. Thanks, Rheta.

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