Howard Dean on The Situation Room (CNN)
He was just on, and CNN's transcript can be found here. For those who missed it--I missed the beginning of it myself--Howard said pretty much what we expected Howard to say about the Lieberman/Lamont race.
KING: Well, I want to talk to you for a few minutes about what it means to be a Democrat. As you know, Senator Joseph Lieberman faces a primary challenge in his home state of Connecticut. Senator Lieberman's position seems to be, I'm a good Democrat unless someone dares to challenge me in the primary, then I reserve the right to get on the ballot as an unaffiliated candidate.Back with a picture of Howard for this thread--how about "people-powered" Howard from the DNC's 50-state Canvass...
Right now, is that a loyal Democrat? Is Joe Lieberman welcome in the Democratic Party, assuming he loses the primary, but wins the election?
DEAN: We don't get involved in primaries, the Democratic National Committee. Others can do that if they want to. We don't do that. We have to be an impartial arbitrator. What we do do is support Democrats and try to get Democrats to win.
KING: So help me. Let me just, let me ...
DEAN: And John, we allow the voters to decide who is a Democrat, so whoever the voters choose in Connecticut is who we're going to support.
KING: And would you then lean on the senatorial committee and use Democratic National Committee funds, if necessary, should Ned Lamont, if he beats Joe Lieberman in the primary, get financial support? Should Chairman Dean go up there and campaign for him? Should Democrats who are friends of Joe Lieberman go up there and campaign for him?
DEAN: John, I'm going to campaign for the Democratic nominee, and if it's Joe Lieberman, you're going to see me alongside Joe Lieberman. If it's Ned Lamont, you're going to see me alongside Ned Lamont. We don't get involved in primaries. We do support the Democratic nominee chosen by the people in the Democratic Party in Connecticut.

UPDATE from Maura in the comments:
Transcripts are great and all, but don'tcha want to see VIDEO of the Gov? 'Course we do! I just couldn't find any.
Visit one of our great bloggers here in CT for the video from the Gov on Situation Room today:
Thanks, Maura!
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