Grassroots for Cegelis
It was a bummer, but not especially surprising, I suppose, to see this diary by Michael in Chicago, "Union Endorses Non-Union Candidate". After all, Howard Dean had union support when he looked like he was going to be the Democratic nominee and started to lose that support as soon as the tides seemed to be turning.
When it became clear that the Democratic machine was pushing Christine's opponent, Tammy Duckworth, I felt it was important to do what we could to rally behind one of our former "Dean Dozen" candidates.

Because loyalty means something to Deaniacs. And so does the courage to be the one to stand up and fight in the first place, when the odds don't look so good. The DC Dem attitude of, "Oh, we have a chance at this seat now? We'll put up our *own* hand-picked candidate, thank you very much!" That's why I made the button graphic (seen on the right side of this blog) that links to Christine Cegelis' campaign web site. Feel free to download that graphic to use on your own web site or blog if you'd like to support Christine as well. If you are able, donate to her campaign--remember how all those little contributions added up when we were backing Howard in the primaries! Or drop by her blog to offer your support. This would be a good time to let her know that even if the AFL-CIO supported her opponent, we, the Dean-inspired grassroots, support Christine Cegelis.
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